Grow Your Own Terminology
Tennessee Department of Education (TDOE)
Overseer of public K through 12 education in Tennessee.
- Grow Your Own (GYO)
- Program to provide EPPs and LEAs with resources and assistance in creating innovative, low-to-no-cost pathways for those looking to become or advance as teachers.
- Teaching as a Profession (TAP)
- Opportunity for high-school students interested in becoming an educator to take courses and participate in an internship while still in high school.
- Educator Preparation Programs (EPP)
- A college education preparation program, which according to state guidelines prepares a student to become a licensed early childhood, elementary or secondary teacher.
- Local Education Agencies (LEA)
- A public board of education or other public authority within a state that maintains administrative control of public elementary or secondary schools in a city, county, township, school district or other political subdivision of a state.
- Apprenticeship
- An industry-driven, high-quality career pathway where employers can develop and prepare their future workforce, and individuals can obtain paid work experience, receive progressive wage increases, classroom instruction and a portable, nationally recognized credential. Apprenticeships are vetted, approved and validated by the U.S. Department of Labor.
- Apprentice
- A worker, at least 16 years of age, who is employed to learn a skilled trade through a registered apprenticeship program.
- Teacher Candidate
- A person who has been admitted to a teacher education program and is completing coursework.
- Job-Embedded
- Learning grounded in the daily work of teachers and is characterized as learning by doing and encourages teachers to actively engage in and reflect on their practices.
- Mentor
- A paired teacher who has experience, knowledge and connections within the field that will aid the apprentice through guidance, sharing and feedback.
- Teacher of Record (TOR)
- A licensed teacher who is responsible for the academic progress of students in a classroom.
- Local Workforce Development Board (LWDB)
- Regional boards that connect employers with funding and resources for workforce training, including apprenticeship programs.
- American Job Center (AJC)
- Centers that offer services for a wide range of circumstances to help meet employment needs. All 95 Tennessee counties are served by an American Job Center and are grouped by areas called LWDAs (Local Workforce Development Areas).
- Braided Funding
- Using multiple sources of funding to support different components of a program. Braiding allows a diverse and stable funding base.