Data and Publications
TN Grow Your Own Regions
Annual Report 2023- Tennessee Grow Your Own Center
In January 2022, the U.S. Department of Labor approved Tennessee’s teacher occupation registered apprenticeship program with the Tennessee Department of Education (TDOE) as the program’s sponsor. One year later, January 2023, the Tennessee Grow Your Own Center launched to scale a sustainable model. This report describes the center’s first 12 months of activity and impact.
This brief report authored by the TN GYO Center describing the TN GYO Center’s impact on rural communities as of February 2023.
The Tennessee Grow Your Own Center supports LEAs across the state with recruiting candidates.
Aspiring Apprentice Interest Form Data
Each of these links opens a page of dashboard data to display information about aspiring apprentices in Tennessee. All data are unverified and self-reported.
Total number of aspiring apprentices and their current education level
Demographics of aspiring apprentices
Priorities about program structure
Pre-apprenticeship experiences
Timeline of aspiring apprentices responses
Publications- External
A curated list of publications related to Grow Your Own or Registered Teacher Apprenticeship Programs. These publications are produced by entities outside of the TN Grow Your Own Center and are meant to inform and not prescribe.
The Residency Revolution- Funding High-Quality Teacher Preparation
- This report explores sustainability challenges in teacher preparation- and promising practices in overcoming those challenges. It is focused on new ways to sustainably fund affordable, high-quality preparation programs, including Reallocation, Reduction, and (Re)Investment.
Apprenticeship Report– Tennessee Comptroller of the Treasury
- A statewide analysis of registered apprenticeships in Tennessee indicates that “Tennessee’s Grow Your Own registered teacher apprenticeship initiative is a model for other states.”
- As one of many partners invited to share, the Tennessee Grow Your Own Center provided insight into our state’s progress at the US DOE’s regional convening in Jackson, MS. After all of the convenings concluded, ED produced a summary of the events with links to resources and more information, available here.
Comprehensive Center Network
- Supported through federal funding, there are regional centers of support for state education agencies (SEAs) that exist across the US. The Tennessee Grow Your Own Center engages regularly with the educators and leaders who work in the Region 5 Center and also in the National Center. The CCNetwork recently published several resources to share Tennessee’s work with others. A Video Series, an at-a-glance resource, and a podcast featuring Knox County Schools and UT Knoxville.
Profiles of Educator Registered Apprenticeship Programs
- Published May, 2024, ERA profiles eight registered teacher apprenticeship programs from around the United States. Three Tennessee Grow Your Own Center employees are acknowledged by the authors. The report is authored by Nicole Reddig, Joyce Milling, Laura Rasmussen Foster, Elizabeth Standafer, Olivia Rice, and Jessie Stadd
Learning Policy Institute: Tennessee’s Teacher Apprenticeship Program
- Published March 1st, 2024, LPI shares the governance, funding, and operations of Tennessee’s teacher apprenticeship GYO programs.
- Melnick, H. (2024). How states can support teacher apprenticeship: The case of Tennessee. Learning Policy Institute & The Pathways Alliance. (Updated March 27, 2024)
Registered Teacher Apprenticeship Funding Guide
- A guide produced by the Center on Great Teachers and Leaders at the American Institutes for Research with the support of the CEEDAR center.
Grow Your Own Annotated Bibliography
- The Comprehensive Center Network from the Department of Education has collected an initial list of reports and research papers related to the impact of Grow Your Own programs.
State of the States 2023: Policies to Increase Teacher Diversity
- This publication makes clear connections between Grow Your Own Teacher Apprenticeship programs and promising practices to increase teacher diversity.
Diversifying the Teaching Profession: How to Recruit and Retain Teachers of Color
- This 54-page research brief assembles evidence on the many positive impacts of a racially diverse educator workforce. It also describes Grow Your Own and teacher apprenticeship programs as high-impact strategies to recruit and retain teachers of color. The report includes citations of from the Tennessee STAR study showing increased test scores and graduation rates for Black students taught by Black teachers.