Are Teacher Apprenticeship and Residency Programs Effective?

Valerie Sakimura from Deans for Impact addresses this question with a thoughtful response in an article published at The 74. Austin Peay State University’s Grow Your Own program is one of the programs highlighted. This common question about effectiveness is the wrong question. All programs illicit some degree of effectiveness for someone, in one context … Continued


How Teacher Apprenticeship is Changing Teacher Preparation

“By October 2023, teacher apprenticeship programs had been formally registered in 26 states plus Puerto Rico and were under development in five states plus the District of Columbia.”… Five take-aways in this article from Amaya Garcia at New America. Apprenticeship Gives School Districts a Bigger Role in Teacher Preparation Apprenticeship Puts Paid Clinical Preparation Front … Continued


GYO School Librarians in South Carolina

“But the Charleston County school district in South Carolina, one of the many states requiring its teacher-librarians to earn a master’s degree, has managed to successfully reverse its former teacher-librarian vacancy rate in the last five years. And it did so without recruiting professionals from outside the district.” See the full story.


Florida State Board Approves Teacher Apprenticeship

“The Teacher Apprenticeship Program is a new way to train, hire, and keep the best and brightest educators. Applicants join the program, and then become teachers’ “apprentices.” They start as paraprofessionals and watch and learn from experienced teachers. This on-the-job experience and instruction will lead to a bachelor’s degree and a professional educator certificate. On … Continued
