Aspiring Apprentice Conference 2024
LEA GYO Leaders’ Regional Convenings
Join colleagues from your region of the state in a first-of-its-kind convening. Leaders of GYO programs from school districts, charter schools, colleges, universities, local workforce boards, TN office of apprenticeship, TN Department of Education, and special guests are invited to attend. Learn about the TN GYO Center’s strategic plan and goals for 2025-2030. Hear from guest panelists from your own region. Collaborate with role-alike leaders from other agencies, boards, LEAs, and EPPs. Connect in local teams with cross-functional leaders of teacher apprenticeship. Create action plans with technical assistance available for just-in-time support.
If your LEA did not receive an invitation to register, please contact your GYO regional manager or email
- Locations: (See Regional Map)
- West: FedEx Institute of Technology, Memphis, TN
- Middle: Volunteer State Community College, 1480 Nashville Pike, Gallatin, TN 7066
- East 1: Chattanooga State Community College, 4501 Amnicola Highway, Chattanooga, TN
- East 2: UT Conference Center, 540 Locust St SW, Knoxville, TN 37902
- Format: The day will be a mix of presented material, cross-functional work groups, role-alike work groups, and action planning. Please come prepared to collaborate and disconnect from other responsibilities. Attire is business casual.
- Cost: $0 registration. Light breakfast, snacks, and lunch are provided. Travel is not covered.
- Times: Registration and breakfast will be open from 8:30-9am. Please plan to stay until 3:30pm. Local time zones apply.
- Photography/Video: Photography and video will be captured throughout the day. If you do not consent to being included in images or video that could be posted in promotional materials, please let us know.
- NOTE: We intend to offer professional “photo booth” opportunities. The photographer will capture and send images that can be used in your organization’s promotion of your GYO program.
Keynote Guest Speakers
The Tennessee Grow Your Own Center makes every K-12 learner’s educational experience better by equipping their schools with expanded pipelines of education professionals who are confident, highly skilled, and committed to their communities.